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U.S. Presidential Election 2024 Overview

White House, Washington DC

Source: Photo by David Everett Strickler

Historic Collusion in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election; and We Thought 2020 Was Bad…

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election gains momentum, the political arena is abuzz with speculation and scrutiny surrounding the top three contenders vying for the nation’s highest office. Let’s delve into the 2024 US presidential election analysis of these candidates, exploring their backgrounds, policies, and prospects.

Dangerous Sentiment- Parties extremely divided. Leaders acting very dangerous in terms of an example for the population. Never ending gaslighting, lawfare, an invasion, obvious election fraud in previous election and already being perpetuated on voter rolls in this election, …

When the truth is now told, people are so empowered to go with the crowd versus thiking logically like they use too…

2024 Presidential Election: A Pivotal Moment in U.S. History

The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most consequential in recent U.S. history. As voters across the country prepare to head to the polls, the election is characterized by deep divisions, high stakes, and an uncertain outcome.

With the nation deeply and dangerously divided and facing unprecedented challenges ranging from the ongoing wars to invasion level illegal immigration to economic uncertainty and social unrest, the stakes of this election were exceptionally high. The campaign trail was marked by intense rhetoric, with both candidates fiercely defending their visions for America’s future.

Both major political parties have fielded candidates who represent starkly different visions for the future of the nation. On the Republican side, former president Donald Trump is seeking re-election, campaigning on a platform of economic growth and prosperity, national security, immigration, a healthier nation, unity, and traditional values.

Meanwhile, the Democratic challenger, which was Joe Biden before apparently ousted by the Demoncratic party for Kamala Harris, is focusing on issues like healthcare reform, climate change, and social justice. Anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out that this group of demoncrats have sent our country in a downward spiral we may never recover from; it is shameful that they are even running again based on all the things they are campaigning on but have not lifted a finger on, or done the opposite there of, all up in the final few months of the election.

The independent party candidate, Robert Kennedy Jr., is also still in the running, however, has removed his name from most battleground states ballots in an effort to help loosen up votes for the two main candidates (rather one main candidate) Kennedy could also still win the election if he acquires enough votes courtesy of all of the other states where he is still on the 2024 US Presidential Election ballot in states where they were not able to remove Kennedy’s name.

In August 2024, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exited the presidential race after running as an independent. He expressed disillusionment with the Democratic Party, accusing it of favoring corporate interests and censorship. Although he initially pursued the Democratic nomination, he shifted to an independent run due to disagreements with the party’s direction. His campaign also faced obstacles, including legal challenges over ballot access in key states.

In a surprising move, after withdrawing, Kennedy endorsed Donald Trump, encouraging his supporters to back Trump, especially in swing states. He removed his name from ballots in several battleground states, believing this would increase Trump’s chances against the Democratic ticket. His endorsement drew sharp criticism from many of his family members, who saw it as a betrayal of their core values.

2024 U.S. Election Overview-

In the months leading up to the 2024 election, the nation has witnessed intense campaigning, with candidates and their VP prospects crisscrossing the country, holding rallies, town halls, and finally some live debates. As the first debate between Trump and Biden was equivalent to listening to two school kids bickering, hopefully the up and coming live debates between candidates and VP picks are shall we say, more “Presidential”? Leaders tend to forget that the way they act trickles down into the population in many ways. For example- blaming the competition for something negative that the blaming party is actually doing themselves(gaslighting). From name calling like little kids to blackmail to lawfare; the BS needs to stop in order to bring our country together.

Key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona, have seen a particularly heavy focus, as both parties recognize the importance of winning these states to secure the Electoral College.

Main Election Issues-

The economy remains a central issue, with voters concerned about inflation, the invasion of illegal immigrants, job creation, and the cost of living. Additionally, issues such as legal immigration, lawlessness, divisiveness, abortion rights, taxes, ongoing wars, and new-age technology related privacy and security concerns have also dominated the national conversation, reflecting the wide range of concerns that Americans are bringing to the polls.

What Americans Are Hoping For This Election?

  • Free, Fair, and Open Elections.
  • Transparency
  • No cheating
  • Real and True Verified Election Results
  • No false, illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional votes
  • Back to Our Founding Principles
  • Leaders That Lead By Example.
  • No foreign interference
  • True Bipartisanship to accomplish real long lasting positive progress and evolution for the US and the world.

Early Voting-

Early voting and mail-in ballots are expected to play a significant role in this election, as they have in recent years. Election officials are preparing for a potentially record-breaking turnout, as enthusiasm among voters appears to be at an all-time high.


In conclusion, the 2024 U.S. presidential election promises to be a clash of political titans with Trump and Harris competing for the hearts and minds of the American electorate. As the campaigns unfold and the debates intensify, the nation braces itself for another historic moment in its democratic journey.The nation now braces itself for the next chapter in its political journey, mindful of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election may be drawing to a close, but its reverberations are destined to shape the course of American history for years to come.

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